Three Tips for Choosing Signs for Your Expo Booth
Posted on: 14 June 2016
If your small business is thinking about doing an expo or a trade show, that is a great place to meet potential new clients and to network with other vendors. However, if you want your booth to be visible, you need the right signs. Here are three tips to consider when choosing signs for an expo:
1. Go for height.
At a trade show, attendees walk through the aisles of the shows, seeing countless booths. In most cases, attendees cannot see a booth until it is immediately in their line of sight, but there is one effective way to solve this issue -- make your booth higher than the other vendors' booths.
To rise above the fray, look for signs that are as tall as possible. Many exhibitors like signs that roll up for easy transport but that also have a telescoping stand to hold them high when you unfurl them at the show.
2. Talk with the show producer about hanging signs from the ceiling.
In addition to or in lieu of getting height from signs set on the ground, consider getting attention by hanging signs from the ceiling. Many conference rooms, exhibit halls and other popular spaces for trade shows have metal bars or mesh along the ceiling from which you may be able to hang a sign.
However, don't count on the fact that you can hang a sign from there. Not every facility is equipped for that and some show producers may ban using the ceiling. Talk with the show producer when booking your booth about the rules regarding signs hanging from the ceiling, and if you are allowed to use the ceiling, consider using balloons as well as a sign to create a fun effect.
3. Opt for an interactive sign.
While it's important to entice attendees into your booth, it's also important to engage them once they are in your booth. Some exhibitors do this by talking with the attendees. Others have interactive surveys on iPads or other devices. Still others utilise interactive signs.
Consider working with a sign maker to design a sign that can be an interactive part of your display. The interactive elements can vary based on your goals. For example, if you are hosting a giveaway, you could have an interactive sign countdown to the time of the drawing. Alternatively, you could have an interactive sign that records attendees' votes for which color of a product is better or a similar type of query.
Want more ideas for signs for your trade show or expo booth? Contact a sign designer today.